Dealing with Anxiety?
Anxiety is more than just a feeling.
While many of us have undoubtedly experienced anxiety or anxiousness at certain points in our lives, individuals struggling with chronic anxiety risk significant psychological and physiological implications.
What is anxiety and why should you take it seriously?
Anxiety is a feeling or status that affects every individual alike - young or old, employed or unemployed, divorce or married, rural or urban. Stress and anxious feelings are expected in situations that place us under pressure, however, this emotional state should be one that is momentary and should pass once the "stressor" or instigator are no longer present.
Anxiety becomes very problematic when it is chronic and lasts over a long period of time without any sign of subsiding. If you're dealing with such a circumstance, it is imperative that you seek out professional assistance to avoid an exacerbation of your condition. Anxiety disorders come in several forms, all of them equally addressable, provided the right amount of time and attention is provided.
As the most common medical health condition affecting Australians, leveraging the expertise and guidance of experienced psychologists and mental health professionals can be a valuable source of relief. Make sure you're making the most of the care that is available to you.
On average, one in four people – one in three women and one in five men – will experience anxiety at some stage in their life. In a 12-month period, over two million Australians experience anxiety.
Types of anxiety
Learn about the different types of anxiety
Causes of anxiety
Understand the indicators of anxiety
Signs and symptoms of anxiety
Learn about the causes of anxiety
Anxiety management
Learn how to manage your anxiety
Treatment and support for depression
Need help? Reach out. Help is always available.
Treatment and support for anxiety
Need help? Reach out. Help is always available.
Learn how to manage your anxiety better
Get in touch with us to better understand your condition and how to navigate through the adversity
Medicare and NDIS rebates for onPsych psychology services
If you're referred by a GP, you're entitled to 10 free individual and group consultations respectively - under Medicare.

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