Archive Monthly Archives: May 2019

Coping with Postnatal Depression

Postnatal depression (also known as postpartum depression) is a form of mood disorder or depression that affects approximately 1 in 10 women*, within a year of giving birth. Contrary to popular belief, it also affects fathers and partners, although women are more likely to suffer from it. While this condition may abate with time, leaving […]

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Using Telehealth to Improve Mental Health Care

At a time when technology shapes and drives almost every aspect of day-to-day life, the rise of telehealth services for mental health care is hardly surprising. Telehealth refers, broadly, to the use of communication technologies and information exchange platforms – such as PCs, mobiles, tablets, and other digital devices – to access health care services […]

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Signs of Depression in Men

Despite the ‘tough guy’ image guys tend to portray, depression in men is a serious mental health condition in Australia, affecting approximately 1 in 8 men at some point in their lives. Given that men may be less likely to open up about the problems they face and because they account for 6 out of […]

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